It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
HSBC Files Show How Swiss Bank Helped Clients Dodge Taxes and Hide Millions
HSBC’s Swiss banking arm helped wealthy customers dodge taxes and conceal millions of dollars of assets.
Investor Sues Three Banks Accused Of Rigging Price of Silver
HSBC, Deutsche Bank and the Bank of Nova Scotia have been accused of attempting to rig the daily global price of silver in the latest price fixing scandal to rock the banking industry.
Big Banks Hit with Monster $250 Billion Lawsuit in Housing Crisis
Investors led by BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, and PIMCO, the world’s largest bond-fund manager, have sued some of the world’s largest banks for breach of fiduciary duty.
Seeking Climatic Shift, U.K. Pension Investments Are Starting to Undercut Big Oil
People invest money through pensions into industries that cause climate change, often unknowingly and against their own financial interest.
McKibben: Obama, Climate Change and the Real Story of this Presidency
When the world looks back at the Obama years half a century from now, one doubts they'll remember the health care website; one imagines they'll study how the most powerful government on Earth reacted to the sudden, clear onset of climate change.
Global Power Project: Connecting Josef Ackermann, the Institute of International Finance and the Euro Debt Crisis
When the European debt crisis hit headlines in 2010, the Institute of International Finance was again on the scene and playing a major part, like it did during the 1980s debt crisis. At the center this time was the CEO of Deutsche Bank, Josef Ackermann.
Greek Journalist Who Leaked "Lagarde List" of Tax Evaders Faces Retrial
The Greek journalist Kostas Vaxevanis, who caused an uproar by publishing the so-called "Lagarde list" of 2,000 suspected tax evaders from his country who hold bank accounts in Switzerland, is on trial in Athens on charges of infringing privacy laws.
Economic Growth and Low Carbon Future Will Co-Exist
A report found that the key to reducing CO2 emissions while furthering growth is to harness technologies that radically decarbonize the energy sector.
Foreclosure Fraud Revealed: Your Mortgage Documents Are Fake!
Amid last decade's foreclosure fraud, banks resorted to a mass fabrication of mortgage documents because they could not legally establish true ownership of the loans when trying to foreclose.
8 Ways Privatization has Failed America
The myth that privatization of public services benefits most Americans is an outright lie.