It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Idle No More
“No More Stolen Sisters”: Why #NativeLivesMatter Is About More Than Policing
Indigenous women make up 4.3% of Canada's female population – but represent almost half of the number of women murdered in the country.
Primer for NYC Protests: How We're Broadening and Sharpening the Climate Justice Movement
In addition to speaking with a common voice on climate justice and the policies needed to achieve it, today's "movement of movements" needs to reach beyond environmentalists.
Intercontinental Cry Marks A Decade On Front Lines of Global Indigenous Movement
A decade ago, there were 50 Indigenous Nations leading their own struggles. Now there are 500.
Pipeline Resistance Movement Sets Sights on TransCanada's Energy East Project
TransCanada’s Energy East pipeline was originally celebrated as the project that would connect the East and the West. Then, proponents said it was the project that would allow the Canadian petroleum industry to access new international markets. Next, it was known as the project that would provide oil for Eastern Canadians.
Thanksgiving Is National Day of Mourning for Native Peoples in Historic Massachusetts Town
Led by the United American Indians of New England, the yearly NDOM protest in Plymouth seeks to set the historical record straight – in the exact location where indigenous history was first buried in favor of a more agreeable tradition.
Why Does Britain Want to Deport One-Time Protester Trenton Oldfield?
The 37-year-old was imprisoned for interrupting a boat race last year, which highlighted inequalities and Britain's rigid class system. Now, the government wants him out of the country. Their rationale: he may “threaten national security.”
40 Arrests, Police Turn Violent, As Frack Protest Continues in New Brunswick
Since Sept. 30, activists and members of the Elsipogtog and Mi'kmaq First Nations tribes have blocked a New Brunswick road used by employees of the energy company SWN Resources Canada, which wants to frack the area.
The World Is Still Up For Grabs: A Manifesto For the Year Ahead
Revolution is a Rhizome. We now have a confidence in this generation that we didn’t have before.
Building the Commons as an Antidote to the Predatory Market Economy
We've reached a tipping point in awareness of the effects of the current global economy that has erupted in a worldwide revolt as we can see in the Occupy, Arab Spring, Idle No More and Indignado movements.
Nez Perce Leaders Arrested During 4-Day Idaho Blockade of Tar Sands Megaload
During dauntless and strategic blockades, the Nez Perce nation has been taking a stand for preserving pristine lands, their lands, from being violated and despoiled.