We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
interest rate rigging
Prosecuting Wall Street: It's Time to Bring the Banks Before a California Jury
Sixteen of the world’s largest banks have been caught colluding to rig global interest rates – so why are we doing business with a corrupt global banking cartel, and isn't it time someone prosecuted them?
The Global Banking Game Is Rigged – And the FDIC Is Suing
Taxpayers are paying billions of dollars for a swindle pulled off by the world’s biggest banks using a form of derivative called interest-rate swaps – which are now a $426 trillion business.
The Capone Moment: Could LIBOR Fracture the International Banking Cartel?
Regulators' complicity in the LIBOR rate-rigging scandal is a weak point for the global banking cartel—which, like Al Capone's network of gangsters, may finally be on the way out.