It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Internet fast lane
Washington State Sticks It to the FCC, Passes its Own Net Neutrality Rules
Washington became the first state to pass its own laws governing net neutrality on Monday, countering the U.S. government's repeal of national regulations preventing Internet service providers from blocking or throttling content.
Oligarchy Online: Why We’re Fighting the Net Neutrality Battle, Again
It's possible that the half dozen current court cases challenging net neutrality represent the most important free speech battle of the century.
In Battle for the Internet, Activists Are Defeating Big Cable
The Federal Communications Commission is verging on reclassifying the Internet as a common carrier – to be regulated like water and electricity – despite strong opposition from the telecom industry and their Republicans in office.
Obama Calls For "Strongest Possible Rules" to Protect Net Neutrality
Advocating a free and open Internet, the president came out against "fast lanes" for higher-paying web users, shocking the telecom industry.
Net Neutrality Protests Sweep America As F.C.C. "Hybrid" Plan Is Leaked
Protesters have promised to escalate demonstrations after a Tom Wheeler's “hybrid” proposal failed to fully reclassify the Internet as a public utility and protect free speech.
32 U.S. Cities Jumpstart Community-Owned Broadband to Bypass Telecom Giants
The national movement to provide fast, reliable and affordable high-speed Internet comes as Comcast, Time Warner, Verizon and AT&T continue to prohibit municipal freedoms for online access.
Abrupt Shift Coming: Warnings Along FCC’s Fast Lane
Message to Government from tech companies Amazon, eBay, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo et al: You are about to break the Internet and you will be deeply sorry if you do.