It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Europe and Canada Approve CETA Corporate Trade Deal Despite Heavy Opposition
One of the driving arguments for CETA is that it will enable European firms to be more "competitive" in the Canadian market – and if that sounds eerily familiar to the promises made about NAFTA in 1994, it's because it is.
Elizabeth Warren’s Latest TPP Warning Backed by 200 Legal Scholars
Warren and hundreds of legal and economic scholars are warning that the pact's Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) provisions overturn well-established legal systems and threaten the rule of law.
TransCanada's $15 Billion Suit Against U.S. Is Corporate Nationhood At Its Worst
When the NAFTA nations meet Wednesday for the annual Three Amigos Summit in Ottawa, climate change and clean energy goals may be overshadowed by TransCanada's use of NAFTA to sue the U.S. government over the Keystone pipeline.
T.T.I.P. Off: German Judges Issue Slap In the Face to Transatlantic Corporate Trade Deal
The German Magistrates Association (DRB) last week dealt a major blow to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, as judges said special courts allowing firms to sue countries were unnecessary and "had no legal basis."
The Pipeline Strikes Back: The Audacity of TransCanada's $15 Billion Suit Against America
The Canadian oil giant is suing under the provisions of NAFTA because the U.S. rejected the Keystone pipeline – and demanding an amount that would cover annual community college tuition costs for nearly five million U.S. students.
WTO Ruling on Dolphin-Safe Tuna Labeling Illustrates Supremacy of Trade Agreements
The long-running dispute between Mexico and the U.S. over tuna reveals how domestic laws can be overturned by trade agreements: when countries file trade challenges on behalf of their domestic industries.
Corporate Tribunals Pose Biggest Hurdle To Europe's Vote On Transatlantic Trade Pact
So much public concern and controversy has been raised over investor-state dispute settlements that the E.U. suspended talks on the rules in order to open a public consultation.
German Resistance And Europe's Growing Rebellion Against U.S. Transatlantic Trade Deal
The tide of public resistance against a proposed free trade agreement between the U.S. and the European Union is rising in Germany, as opponents say the plan would harm democracy and rule of law.
Bernie Sanders's "Political Revolution" Can Only Come About if He Abandons the Democrats
Bernie's message of taking on the billionaire class, making four-year college free and breaking up the big banks is resonating with everyday folks – and if he breaks with the Democrats to run as an Independent, his support will surge.
Playing 1% Rules: Why the Trans-Pacific Partnership Won't Help Workers Or Consumers
The TPP is a classic expression of the way the rules are fixed to benefit the few and not the many: It has been negotiated in secret, and corporations and banks help shape it.