This last month has shown America that society will gladly tolerate vigilante violence, provided a vigilante chooses the right target.
Jared Kushner
Report Shows Nation's Richest To Enjoy $17 Billion Windfall Thanks to Huge Tax Loophole
Marketed as relief for "small businesses," the GOP tax law's 20% deduction for owners of "pass-through" entities like law firms and hedge funds will overwhelmingly benefit the wealthiest Americans.
The Business of Government: Donald Trump’s Most Ridiculous Idea
No great American company would hire a CEO who knows as little about an industry as Donald Trump knows about government.
Jared Kushner Sealed Real Estate Deal with Oligarch's Firm Cited in Money-Laundering Case
A Guardian investigation has established a series of overlapping ties and relationships involving alleged Russian money laundering, New York real estate deals and members of Trump’s inner circle.