It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Jeff Bezos
Capitalism's Conclusion, Part II: Robber Barons Musk and Bezos Bring Back the Gilded Age
Just as the case was in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the best panacea to corporate greed run amok is for workers to organize and form unions.
Amazon’s Underbelly 4.0: Consumer Data Harvesting Has Gone Too Far
The company strives to intimately understand its customers by harvesting consumer data at unprecedented levels – ironically, without the consent or the acknowledgement of its customers.
Report reveals: World's billionaires became 20% richer in 2017
Billionaires made more money last year than in any year in recorded history, increasing their wealth by $1.4 trillion, more than the GDP of Spain.
An Arena Full of the Richest Americans Would Own As Much Wealth as 70% of the World
That’s 25,000 American adults – the richest .01% of America – who together own nearly $10 trillion, approximately the total wealth owned by 3.5 billion adults globally.
Amazon Agrees to $15 an Hour for Warehouse Workers Amid Heat From Liberals
Sen. Bernie Sanders, who led opposition to Amazon's low wages, said he wants to “give credit where credit is due” and congratulated CEO Jeff Bezos for “doing the exactly right thing.”
Bernie Sanders Introduces ‘Stop BEZOS Act’ In the Senate
The “Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies Act” would establish a 100 percent tax on government benefits received by workers at Amazon, Walmart and all companies with at least 500 employees.
America’s Richest 2% Made More Money in 2017 Than the Cost of the Entire Safety Net
Those Americans with an average net worth of about $2.5 million accumulated enough wealth in 2017 alone to pay for the safety net FOUR TIMES over.
Amazon Is the Scariest Part of The CIA's New Amazon Cloud Storage
This summer, the CIA's private Amazon Web Services cloud—shielded from the public behind a wall of national security—becomes operational.
If the CIA Kills a U.S. Citizen, Amazon Becomes Partner in Assassination
Amazon signed a $600 million cloud-computing deal with the CIA making it responsible for keeping state secrets, aggregating data and helping with drone strikes.
Why the Washington Post’s New Ties to the CIA Are So Ominous
The Post is supposed to expose CIA secrets. But Amazon – owned by Jeff Bezos, who is also the new owner of the Post – is under contract to keep them due to its new $600 million “cloud” computing deal with the CIA.