It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
John Kiriakou
Act Out! [162] - Inside the C.I.A., Facial UnRecognition & Bills for Blue Lives
Facial recognition is here, but far from being the slick Bond-style tech of tomorrow, it can't seem to recognize faces very well—and it's the hands of the untrained and apparently senile.
Act Out! [26] - Whistleblowers, awful theme parks, awesome secret societies & diplomacy
It’s our six-month anniversary and we’re celebrating with whistleblowers!
Petraeus Plea Deal Reveals Two-Tier Justice System for Leaks
The former Army general and CIA director gave highly-classified journals to his onetime lover and lied to the FBI about it – but he only has to plead guilty to a single misdemeanor, with no jail time, thanks to a deal with prosecutors.
Cecily McMillan Verdict Proves Dissent Is Dangerous – And More Important Than Ever
Nonviolent protest and exposure are two vital tools at our disposal – now it’s time to wake from our dream and resist.
Courage Is Contageous: Renowned Whistleblowers Address the Post-Snowden World
The unprecedented persecution of truth-tellers, initiated by the Bush administration and severely accelerated by Obama, has been mostly ignored while record numbers are charged with serious felonies for letting their fellow citizens know what's going on.
Bradley Manning to Request Pardon from Obama Over 35-Year Jail Sentence
The sentence was more severe than many observers expected, and is much longer than any punishment given to previous U.S. government officials who have leaked information to the media.
Protect Journalists and Whistleblowers: Amend or Repeal the Espionage Act
To treat government employees or contractors who leak classified information to the media in the public interest as foreign spies is a deep stain on our democracy. And it's high time to permanently remove this stain.
Manning Verdict Risks Freedom of the Press If the People Do Not Act
For a whistleblower who exposed war crimes and unethical government behavior to face a lengthy prison term while the people exposed are not even investigated shows how confused the United States has become.
Manning Conviction Under Espionage Act Is Blatant Threat to Civil Liberties
Tuesday's verdict convicting Bradley Manning on 20 counts represents the first time under the Obama administration that any leaker of official secrets has been convicted under the 1917 Espionage Act.