It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Trump administration Sues California Over Tough Net Neutrality Law
The Justice Department has hit back against California’s attempt to restore net neutrality rules with a lawsuit that alleges state legislators are attempting to “subvert the Federal Government."
The Justice Department Says it Will Stop Using Private Prisons
"They do not maintain the same level of safety and security,” the Deputy Attorney General says.
Not Too Big To Jail: Why Eliot Spitzer Is Wall Street's Worst Nightmare
The former New York Governor, now running for New York City comptroller, has the sort of creative thinking needed if we the people are to take back our power from Wall Street and the corporatocracy.
Boston Bombing Secrecy: Why Are So Many Court Documents Sealed and Out of Public View?
Judges are supposed to publicly explain their reasons for sealing documents and court proceedings, but that does not appear to be happening for the warrants and many court filings issued in the Boston marathon bombing case.
Obama's Abuse of the Espionage Act is Modern-Day McCarthyism
Is it justice when the U.S. president prosecutes whistleblowers with a legal relic, while administration officials leak with impunity?
Manning Conviction Under Espionage Act Is Blatant Threat to Civil Liberties
Tuesday's verdict convicting Bradley Manning on 20 counts represents the first time under the Obama administration that any leaker of official secrets has been convicted under the 1917 Espionage Act.
The Insider Threat Program: Obama's Crackdown on Leaks That "Aid the Enemy"
Even before Edward Snowden exposed the secret collection of Americans’ phone records, the Obama administration was pressing a new and unprecedented government-wide crackdown on security threats.
Spying on Americans: A Very Old Story
There is nothing new about political surveillance. In the United States, political spying by the federal government began in the early part of the twentieth century.
Don’t Plug the Citizen Leak: Let Democracy Flow
Big Media is colluding with U.S. Senators to craft legislation that protects less than 1% of the populace and further ensures Obama’s ability to “plug” citizen leaks.
NSA Spying Extends to Contents of U.S. Phone Calls
The National Security Agency disclosed in a secret Capitol Hill briefing that thousands of analysts can listen to domestic phone calls, e-mail and text messages.