It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
London Mining
Seeking Climatic Shift, U.K. Pension Investments Are Starting to Undercut Big Oil
People invest money through pensions into industries that cause climate change, often unknowingly and against their own financial interest.
London and Chinese Mining Companies Threaten to Tap Arctic's Greenland Minerals
Though there is currently no mining in pristine Greenland, but a new multinational project has received approval and could result in 3,000 construction workers moving into the country of 57,000 to build a port and pipeline for the mine.
Greenland's Vote to Raise Corporate Taxes Deals Challenge to Global Mining Industry
Greenland's minister of business and natural resources helped turn taxing the value of minerals into a popular political cause — and voters recently decided against companies extracting their natural resources for free.