The way the urban commons create a space to solve material problems and enable social movements to forge city-wide networks are antidotes to people being attracted towards the far-right.
McCutcheon v. FEC
Extremists On the Bench: Five Years After Citizens United, Our Rogue Supreme Court
Five "unelected, unaccountable kings in black robes" are systematically stripping Constitutional rights from real, live human beings and giving those rights to corporations and a very small group of plutocrats.
Supreme Court to American Public: Corporations Are Your New Gods
Corporations are our new gods. “Some animals are more equal than others.” - George Orwell, Animal Farm
Billionaires Behind Closed Doors: Inside the Koch Brothers’ Secret Summit
The explicit goal of this covert gathering was to raise $500 million for Republicans to take the Senate in 2014 and another $500 million to make sure Hillary Clinton is never president.
Majority Rule: Defending Democracy with a Constitutional Amendment
Working to ban the influence of money in politics, three U.S. senators already have 43 co-signers, more than 2 million names on petitions and the endorsement of 500 communities in 16 states.
Why Koch-Funded "Generation Opportunity" Is A Big Zero for America's Youth
It's time to debunk far right, corporatist, big business propaganda when it masquerades as an opportunity for young people to engage in politics.
The VA Scandal Is Just the Latest Bait and Switch By Big Corporate Government
An anti-government narrative, perpetuated by the deceitful role-playing of Democrats and Republicans, creates the conditions that make a corporate heist of public resources possible.
99Rise Leads California March, South to North, To End Corruption Of Money In Politics
Marching 480 miles over 37 days from Los Angeles to the State Capitol, activists demand that California legislators outlaw the influence of big money on electoral politics.
Constitutional Amendment to Reign In Dark Money May Hit Senate Floor
The Senate could soon consider a Constitutional amendment giving Congress and states the power to regulate political contributions.
Getting Money Out of Politics Is the Electoral Issue We Can – And Must – Win
Can the fight against the corrupting influence of money finally rally the people?
Will McCutcheon Be Rallying Cry for Movement to "End the Rule of Money"?
The legitimacy of the U.S. government is now in question. It is up to us to use McCutcheon to energize the movement against money-corruption of the government and economy.