There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Millions Against Monsanto
Food Fights, States Rights – and the Demand for Health We Won’t Be Denied
Activists are forcing Monsanto, big biotech and the Grocery Manufacturers Association to go defensive – and now it’s time to win.
Monsanto Media Blackout: What Do 2 Million People in 436 Cities Know That You Don't?
Over 2 million people participated in the Marches Against Monsanto in 436 cities across the globe late last month. Yet television coverage by the corporate media was nearly non-existent. Isn't it about time we asked why?
Farmers-Consumers vs. Monsanto: Many Davids Can Topple One Goliath
Global resistance to Monsanto is growing as people rise up to reclaim food and seed sovereignty.