It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
minimum wage movement
Fight for $15 Movement Plans Fast-Food Workers' Strike Across South
The organization is calling on fast-food workers in two dozen states to go on strike on Feb. 12 to mark the 50th anniversary of the famed two-month Memphis sanitation workers’ strike, which began shortly before MLK's assassination.
Lessons from Sea-Tac: Rebuilding the Labor Movement in the 21st Century
Civil rights groups, immigrant and tenant rights associations, police reform and healthcare advocates, women, LGBT, and faith institutions should be regarded as full members at the core of the labor movement.
Minimum Wage Momentum Nationwide Continues to Surge
Wages hit $15 from D.C. to Silicon Valley and a new analysis points to the working class’s multicultural future.
Organizing Power: Fight for $15 To Join Chicago Teachers Union In April 1 Strike
This Friday will be the first time fast-food workers strike at the same time as teachers, as the Fight for $15 movement teams up with the Chicago Teachers Union in a one-day walk-out.
The Movement Lives On: 4 Years Later, Occupy Has Succeeded in Spite of Its Failures
Occupy Wall Street may not have dismantled capitalism – but it did profoundly change the way people perceived it, and how their voices can impact institutions of power all over the world.
Is the Fight for $15 the Next Civil Rights Movement?
The cross-pollination of Black Lives Matter and the Fight for $15 provides an inspiring example of how interconnected issues of race and economic justice are empowering today's social movements.
The Triumph of Occupy Wall Street
Nearly four years after the precipitous rise of Occupy Wall Street, the movement so many thought had disappeared has instead splintered and regrown into a variety of focused causes.
California Senate Passes Minimum Wage Bill Boosting Pay to $13 An Hour
Under Senate Bill 3, which passed by a vote of 23-15, California’s minimum wage would rise to $11 an hour next year and $13 the year after – and begin increasing annually in 2019 based on inflation.
Fight for 15 on 4/15: Low Wage Workers Prepare for Biggest Ever Nationwide Protests
In the wave of actions demanding higher wages on April 15, organizers say more than 60,000 people will join strikes and protests in 200 cities nationwide – with support actions in dozens of other countries.
Fast-Food Workers In Denmark Make $20/Hour As U.S. Employees Fight for $15
“Sometimes I ask, ‘Do I buy food or do I buy them clothes? If I made $20 an hour, I could actually live, instead of dreaming about living.”