Over the next two years, Democrats have the unfettered ability to be an albatross around the neck of the GOP — and to make sure that what little they manage to get done due to their paper-thin majorities becomes the reason for their undoing.
Move to Amend
Act Out! [111] - How & Why the UN Fails + A Very Unhappy Birthday to Corporate Personhood
Given its backwards position on women's rights, it seems ludicrous that Saudi Arabia would get a seat on a UN Council tasked with upholding and forwarding women’s rights around the globe. But that is precisely what happened.
Act Out! [91] - Wait Till You See Trump’s Climate Change Plan + Get Allied & Rise Up
This week, the ice is melting, sea levels are rising and science denying psychopaths are steering the canoe.
Act Out! [74] - #DNCinPHL: The Story from the Streets
This week, it's all about the DNC – from the streets. We're bringing you marches, rallies and speeches – interviews with activists, Bernie supporters and non-affiliated protesters. From Philly, from our streets, this is Act Out!
Act Out! [53] - Pave the Grand Canyon, Monsanto's clean slate & Activists In City Hall
Monsanto is poisoning people, but that's nothing new. And after four decades, one measly clause in a house bill could wipe their legal slate clean. Next, Daniel Lee has occupied the streets, and now he's fighting for a city council seat.
Anti-Corruption Activists Join Occupy.com In Seattle June 4th - Calling for Citizen Empowerment
On June 4, two of the nation’s leading voices against political corruption, Lawrence Lessig and Marianne Williamson, will join Occupy.com's screening of "Killswitch" in a call for sweeping citizen action to root money out of politics in 2016.
Americans Are Enslaved By the Most Dependent Of Us All – the Wealthy
We have been programmed to believe that capital takes preeminence over humanity, that those with capital are entitled to be the arbiters of everyone’s success or failure – and that capital determines one's worth.
In Absence of Accountability, General Motors Kills Hundreds of People for Profit
Unless we end the corporate rule over our government, executives at General Motors will continue to get away with negligent murder.
15 Years After Seattle WTO Uprising, Global Democratic Rebellions Keep Getting Louder
Before Seattle, corporatization rolled forward with an air of inevitability – but the uprising that began the 21st century unleashed a new global spirit of democratic resistance and revolution.
Amending Colorado's Constitution: Do Communities Have Right To Clean Air and Water?
By enacting the Colorado Community Rights amendment, communities in the state will be empowered to stand up to the corporations that bully them.
Citizens Vote To Amend Constitution and End Corporate Personhood In Five States
Voters in Massachusetts, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin and Florida elected a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United declaring that corporations are not people and money is not speech.