It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Movement of the Squares
Rato Finito: Spanish Citizens Send Most Corrupt Banker-Politician to Jail
A citizen-led campaign last month succeeded in prosecuting Spain’s top banker-politician, Rodrigo Rato, and 65 co-conspirators in a case that rattled the upper echelons of the country's political and financial elite.
French Nuit Debout Movement Creates New Paradigm For Horizontal Democracy
Nuit Debout is apartisan, but not apolitical.
Cracks in Capitalism, Part V: Nuit Debout Innovates, and Survives, 11 Weeks Strong
The Nuit Debout movement is reshaping France and demonstrating the evolution of post-2008 global democracy uprisings using new networking technology.
5 Years On: Why the Occupations of 2011 Changed the World
The movements of the squares were a watershed moment that profoundly changed grassroots and institutional politics – they have enthused in equal measure as they have disappointed, both under-delivering and over-delivering on their promises.
"Soon We Will Be Millions": From Paris with Love and Lessons
This is not a protest – Paris is alive with democracy. Real democracy. Overflowing the streets and squares. By Marina Sitrin