This last month has shown America that society will gladly tolerate vigilante violence, provided a vigilante chooses the right target.
Net Neutrality
July 12th: Internet-Wide Day of Action To Save Net Neutrality
The FCC wants to destroy net neutrality and give big cable companies control over what we see and do online, through throttling, blocking, censorship and extra fees. On July 12, the Internet will come together to stop them.
Act Out! [118] - Syria: Let the Kurdish Women Lead the Way + Team Internet & Israeli Arms
Given the ongoing wars, the refugee crisis and multiple players for profit such as the U.S., you might not think that in northern Syria, in what's known as the Rojava region, there is a revolution happening.
Protesters Take Net Neutrality Issue To FCC Chair's Home
Ajit Pai needs to be personally protested because he comes to the FCC with a personal agenda – he is behaving like he's still Verizon's lawyer, not someone required to serve the public interest.
Act Out! [112] - How To Create Activists & How To Stop Protests + #SaveTheInternet 2.0
This week on Act Out!, we take a look at 12 bills, filings, laws and proposals that have been brought forward to directly curtail our access to free speech, press and the right to petition our government - a.k.a. the First Amendment.
Net Neutrality Activists Take on New FCC Chairman
FCC chairman Ajit Pai wants to revisit the Net Neutrality fight.
The Resistance Must Be Digitized
A primary reason why millions have been able to mobilize so quickly against the Trump regime is because they have the ability to use the open internet to communicate to the masses and organize a resistance.
Appeals Court Hands Obama Administration Major Win In Net Neutrality Case
Under the law, broadband Internet providers “must treat all internet traffic the same regardless of source," dealing a punishing blow to telecom and cable companies that sought to overturn FCC regulations.
Oligarchy Online: Why We’re Fighting the Net Neutrality Battle, Again
It's possible that the half dozen current court cases challenging net neutrality represent the most important free speech battle of the century.
Real Democracy Movement Launches Nationwide Actions Opposing Pacific Trade Deal
The Rolling Rebellion is launching nationwide, creative direct actions to draw attention to the biggest corporate giveaway in history – before it happens.
Net Neutrality Activists Bodyslammed, Dragged from Republican FCC Press Conference
For reminding Republicans that 85% of their party supports net neutrality, activists got bodyslammed.