Biden cared more about the appearance of having an independent DOJ untainted by politics than he did about holding an unrepentant criminal ex-president accountable.
Lawrence Lessig Interviews Edward Snowden About U.S. Surveillance State
Snowden told the audience he engaged in civil disobedience because he believes the democratic system of government is not able to work when people don’t know what their government is doing.
Pentagon Funds New Data-Mining Tools To Track and Kill Activists, Part III
Arizona State University’s Defense Department-sponsored data-mining algorithms would enhance CIA "signature" drone strike targeting.
Exposed: Pentagon Funds New Data-Mining Tools To Track and Kill Activists, Part I
Public university-paid social scientists identify "threats" from mass movements and Muslim NGOs on behalf of U.S. military intelligence.
Edward Snowden, The Most Wanted Man in the World
"I’m an engineer, not a politician. I don’t want the stage. I’m terrified of giving these talking heads some distraction, some excuse to jeopardize, smear, and delegitimize a very important movement.”
Obama’s Secret Terrorist-Tracking System, by the Numbers
Of the 680,000 people caught up in the government’s Terrorist Screening Database, more than 40 percent are described by the government as having “no recognized terrorist group affiliation.”
The Fourth Branch: The Rise to Power of the National Security State
The 17 major intelligence outfits in the U.S. have been growing, some at prodigious rates, as they outsource their operations to private contractors in staggering numbers.
Targeting "Social Contagions," Defense Department Prepares for Mass Civil Breakdown
Twitter posts and conversations will be examined "to identify individuals mobilized in a social contagion and when they become mobilized."
Edward Snowden Condemns Britain's Emergency surveillance bill
An NSA whistleblower says it "defies belief" that bill must be rushed through after government ignored issue for a year.
Meet the Muslim-American Leaders the FBI and NSA Have Been Spying On
In the place where the target’s real name would go, the memo offers a fake name as a placeholder: “Mohammed Raghead.”
A New Foundation Called Courage: Defending the Truth and Those Who Tell It
In Berlin on Wednesday, a new international organization launched with the purpose of ensuring safety and legality for whistleblowers like Edward Snowden.