This last month has shown America that society will gladly tolerate vigilante violence, provided a vigilante chooses the right target.
occupy london
Disabled Activists Occupy Parliament As UK Government Looks "White and Rattled"
The high-profile protest is against the U.K. government’s latest assault on the disabled – which features plans to cut £30 per week from Personal Independence Payments.
"Freer Than I've Ever Been": Squatted Eco-Village Overshadows Royals' Magna Carta Celebrations
The Runnymede eco-village is as much about reimagining the future as it is about compensating the imbalances of Britain's past.
Occupy Democracy In London Isn't Considered Newsworthy – But Should Be
Sleeping outside for an iPhone is O.K., but do it in furtherance of democratic expression and you’re in trouble, as protesters discovered during the past several weeks at Parliament Square.
Fearing Protests At Stock Exchange, London Rewrites Rules On Paternoster Square
The increased protection for the square, which contains banks and one of the country's most important financial buildings, adds to the crackdown on dissent in Britain.
Where Are the Occupy Protesters Now?
Social media makes it easier and cheaper to build movements quickly – but bypassing the business of creating decision-making infrastructure means they can disappear just as fast.
Disabled Activists In London Launch Tented Occupation to Oppose Threatened Cuts
They had little choice but direct action.
Britains Remember Their Victims of Austerity
10,000 white flowers were placed on the green before the U.K. Parliament, each flower representing a person with disability who died within three months of assessment by Atos, a private British healthcare assessor.
New Shell Oil Laboratory at Oxford Meets Organized Resistance
A coalition of environmental protesters has targeted Shell for co-opting one of the world’s most prestigious universities and demanded an end to Big Oil's pollution of British education.
Occupy the Playground: London Children and Community Resist Park Closure
Activists from Occupy London have joined up with Wandsworth Against Cuts and local residents to stop the demolition of a community adventure playground in the south London borough.
The Occupied Times of London: 18 Issues and Counting
With the rise of citizen journalism and a revival of independent media, the Occupy Movement's most prolific newspaper soldiers on.