Over the next two years, Democrats have the unfettered ability to be an albatross around the neck of the GOP — and to make sure that what little they manage to get done due to their paper-thin majorities becomes the reason for their undoing.
Occupy Wall Street
Act Out! [88] - Stop Blaming Start Acting & What’s Next After Capitalism?
Looking at the road ahead, we gotta focus, think, unite and act.
Michael Moore Wants to Lead an Anti-Donald Trump Resistance “That Will Dwarf Occupy Wall Street”
"he is a man who doesn't have any ideology; the only thing he believes in is Donald Trump."
French Nuit Debout Movement Creates New Paradigm For Horizontal Democracy
Nuit Debout is apartisan, but not apolitical.
Occupy Is Everywhere
The return of encampments as a tactic is telling us something, if we’d care to listen.
Fancy Forms of Paperwork and the Logic of Financial Violence
Five years after Occupy, organizer and anthropologist David Graeber speaks to ROAR about the power of finance, the history of inequality and the legacy of the movement.
5 Years After Zuccotti Park, Occupy Movement Is Driving America's Political Change
The next time someone says the Occupy movement is dead, ask them this: “Do you really think serious activists for social and economic justice were going to spend the rest of their lives living in tents in parks?”
Act Out! [78] - Terrorism, War, Oppression, Colonialism & Activism: from Attica to 9/11 to #NoDAPL
This week marks the 15th anniversary of the attacks on September 11, 2001. Let's take a look at what these 15 years have brought us...
Escalating the War on Low-Income Families
It may not improve much next year, if House Republicans have their way.
Musical "Zuccotti Park" Brings Economic Justice to New York International Fringe Festival
The musical "Zuccotti Park" brings economic justice to the New York International Fringe Festival.
Act Out! [71] - A Former Brutal Cop & a Young Black Visionary in the Fight for Justice
This week, a special extended episode featuring voices from what one might think are opposite sides of the front lines – a young black woman and a retired police captain.