It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Paris climate talks
Could Carbon Emitters In Air and On Sea Weaken Paris Climate Deal?
The international aviation and shipping industries make up more than 5 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions – yet these sectors may escape oversight in this month's Paris deal.
Carbon Inequality: World's Richest 10 Percent Responsible for Half Of All CO2
The poorest half of the world meanwhile emits only a fraction of that amount, yet faces severe climate change effects.
Act Out! [40] - Thomas Paine, Recycled Propaganda, White Power & COP21
This week, let's use some common sense and talk about the rights of man. Next up, Recycled Propaganda. And from Paris to the globe, climate change can be slowed, if we make it so.
COP21 Dispatch: March for Climate Justice Turns To Shoes, Clubs & Tear Gas
In the Place de la Republique, the protesters formed a human chain, chanted, and challenged the police who had begun to gather around them.
U.S. Government To Slash Emissions 42% As Corporations Demand Price On Carbon
Chief executives of 78 companies with combined annual turnover of $2.1 trillion sent an open letter to world leaders Monday calling for carbon pricing, while the White House announced emissions cuts on federal operations.
The Most Brazen Corporate Power Grab In American History
A mass mobilization will begin the push to block the Trans-Pacific Partnership – a far better investment of our time and energy than engaging in the empty political theater that passes for a presidential campaign.
Paris Prospects: Texas Political Cowboy Leads Latest Anti-Science Attacks
Rep. Lamar Smith proclaims his anti-regulation creed with the power to block 21st century science at its source – by halting funding and the free exchange of ideas.
Only People Power Can Save the Planet
People on the ground in communities across the nation are standing up to big energy, corrupt government and extreme extraction – and they are having an impact.
TransCanada Asks the State Department To Suspend Review Of the Keystone XL Pipeline
TransCanada has lost, and it’s one of the climate movement's great victories.
Redline Rebellion: Activists Vow Largest Climate Civil Disobedience Ever at Paris Summit
Thousands of climate change campaigners have promised to blockade a major UN climate summit in Paris with what they say will be non-violent direct action on a scale Europe has not seen before.