The way the urban commons create a space to solve material problems and enable social movements to forge city-wide networks are antidotes to people being attracted towards the far-right.
Paul Singer
The Road to Serfdom: Connecting Detroit, Argentina and Greece
If you want to fully understand the game at play in the bankruptcies and privatization of public assets in Detroit, Argentina, and Europe, play Monopoly.
Extortion in Argentina: Odious Debt Is Pillaging the Nation into Bankruptcy
The lesson is this: if creditors know that a few holdout vultures can trigger a default, they're unlikely to settle with other insolvent nations in the future.
Will a Vulture Hedge-Fund Billionaire Drown Argentina In Debt?
The U.S. president need only inform a federal judge that Paul Singer is interfering with the president's sole authority to conduct foreign policy – so why hasn't he done it?