It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
What 60 Years of Political Gerrymandering Looks Like
Redistricting is one of the biggest threats to our democracy.
In Fracking Fight, a Worry About How Best to Measure Health Threats
In Pennsylvania, opponents of gas drilling say regulators are slow and unprepared in responding to air quality complaints.
Pennsylvania State Senator Announces Fracking Moratorium Legislation
More than 14,000 fracking permits already issued in Pennsylvania are in various stages of operation. This week, State Senator Jim Ferlo introduced a bill to halt any new permits.
Big Oil In Bed With Lawmakers: How Industry Is Infiltrating Political Process
Before the U.S. oil industry’s hydraulic fracturing process made headlines and sparked protests, its executives were hard at work winning the hearts and minds of lawmakers.
Pennsylvania Greenlights Fracking on College Campuses
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett last week signed a bill authorizing schools to cut contracts with energy companies that will open the door for oil drilling, coal mining and fracking on college campuses across the state.