It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
The Coming Iran Crisis and the Urgency for a Progressive Foreign Policy Alternative
A progressive foreign policy would reject the use of the American military as a global police force, support social democracy internationally instead of unfettered global capitalism, and push strongly for demilitarization.
Act Out! [150] - Expensive Bombs & Toilet Paper + the Gun Talk We’re Not Having, But Need To
Taxes are right around the corner so we felt it an apt time to talk about some of the big winners on tax day. Spoiler alert: It's not you and me.
Act Out! [86] - Support Troops not Veterans, Blue is Blood Red, Going Green & Appease Me
You may have heard thousands of veterans got hosed by the military industrial complex — well, here are the details.
Act Out! [49] - Love & Fight on the Front lines, Military Buys, Take Aim and Fire
This week, I'll tell you what I'm NOT covering.
Exposed: Pentagon Funds New Data-Mining Tools to Track and Kill Activists, Part II
Groups engaged in activism for social change are susceptible to being ranked higher on the radicalism threat-scale by the Pentagon's Minerva research program.
The Coming Calamity, the Coming Resistance - Part II
We can further see that there is a war on the underclass in the form of police militarization, as the Pentagon actively prepares for civil unrest and a breakdown of society.
Congress to America: Eat the Turkey, Starve the Poor
The stimulus gave banks trillions, the military kept its nose in the trough, and the poorest Americans were spared a few billion for food. For a government to encourage the spread of hunger throughout the wealthiest nation is, well, monstrous.
Hedges: The Death of Truth
The global assault on Wikileaks is part of the terrifying metamorphosis of the “war on terror” into a wider war on civil liberties — a hunt not for actual terrorists, but for all those with the ability to expose the mounting crimes of the power elite.
Reported Plans Surface For CIA To Hand Over Drone Program To Pentagon
The CIA is reportedly planning on handing the controversial drone program over to the Pentagon.
Pentagon to Double Size of Worldwide Spy Network
The U.S. military plans to send hundreds more spies overseas as part of an ambitious plan that will more than double the size of its espionage network.