We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
Pentagon papers
Snowden: Whistleblowing Is Not Just Leaking — It’s an Act of Political Resistance
The act of whistleblowing increasingly has become an act of political resistance: the whistleblower raises the alarm and lifts the lamp, inheriting the legacy of a line of Americans that begins with Paul Revere.
Drones, IBM and the Big Data of Death
A study produced for the Defense Department by IBM consultants opens a window into the deep guts of the military-industrial complex, where the technologies of assassination and corporate sales converge.
Susan Sarandon and Slavoj Žižek Lead Celebrity Call for Greater Whistleblower Protections
The public can finally see for themselves the war crimes, corruption, mass surveillance and abuses of power of the U.S. government and other governments around the world.
A New Foundation Called Courage: Defending the Truth and Those Who Tell It
In Berlin on Wednesday, a new international organization launched with the purpose of ensuring safety and legality for whistleblowers like Edward Snowden.
ExposeFacts: A New Organization for Whistleblowing, Journalism and Democracy
The new group, led by Daniel Ellsberg, Barbara Ehrenreich, William Binney and others, will shed light on concealed activities relevant to human rights, corporate malfeasance, the environment, civil liberties and war.
Snowden: U.K. Government Is Now Leaking Documents About Itself
Edward Snowden said he is not the source of an Independent article about Britain's secret Internet-monitoring station.
Bradley Manning to Request Pardon from Obama Over 35-Year Jail Sentence
The sentence was more severe than many observers expected, and is much longer than any punishment given to previous U.S. government officials who have leaked information to the media.
Manning Conviction Under Espionage Act Is Blatant Threat to Civil Liberties
Tuesday's verdict convicting Bradley Manning on 20 counts represents the first time under the Obama administration that any leaker of official secrets has been convicted under the 1917 Espionage Act.
Constitutional Uprising: Thousands Join "Restore the Fourth" Protests on July 4th
Thousands will be gathering in dozens of cities on the 4th of July, as "Restore the Fourth" protests demand an end to unconstitutional governmental surveillance programs that violate the 4th Amendment.
Whistleblowing 2.0: From the Pentagon Papers to Bradley Manning to PRISM
From Edward Snowden’s bombshell revelations about the extent of state snooping, to the ongoing court martial of Private Bradley Manning, 2013 has become the year of the whistleblower.