The American people clearly spoke, and the drubbing Democrats received requires looking beyond just issue polls, voting patterns, campaign strategy, or get-out-the-vote tactics.
pharmaceutical patents
Martin Shkreli Is An Example Of Why We Need Publicly Funded Pharmaceutical Research
Facing national outrage, the 32-year-old CEO backed down from the 5000% price increase his company announced this week for the malaria and toxoplasmosis drug Daraprim, sparking an overdue debate about the outlandish cost of life-saving medicines.
Medical Injustice: Trans-Pacific Partnership Enriches Big Pharma at Cost Of People’s Health
Through "evergreening,” pharmaceutical companies could could retain ownership of and royalties to drugs for which their patents have expired – limiting access to generic forms of medicine that millions need.
Why Are We Letting Pharmaceutical Corporations Get Away With Robbery?
Drug and device makers paid doctors $380 million in speaking and consulting fees over a five-month period last year – and saw a healthy return on their investment.