It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Pirate Party
Rebel Cities 9: Iceland's Slow-Burning Digital Democratic Revolution
Icelanders to their credit have twice peacefully ousted governments, they are world leaders in transparency laws and digital freedom, and they decided not to bail out its failed banks.
The Corbyn Effect: Britain’s Election Just Rewrote the Rules of Parliamentary Politics
Jeremy Corbyn's win demonstrated that in the stale world of parliamentary politics, we need to tear up the rulebook. We need to be realistic about the systemic crises we face. And we need, above all, to demand the impossible.
Iceland, A Land of Vikings, Braces for a Pirate Party Takeover
The party that could be on the cusp of winning Iceland’s national elections on Saturday didn’t exist four years ago.
The Icelandic Pirate Party and the Search for a New Democracy
An Internet-powered movement that puts citizens ahead of ideology could take over Parliament this fall.
Cracks in Capitalism, Part IV: Hacking the Future Iceland-Style
In Iceland, the Panama Papers may push hackers to lead the country's next coalition government – because in the eyes of many, this networked revolution is only getting started.
Anarchist and Parliamentarian, Iceland's Birgitta Jónsdóttir Talks Big E-Revolution
“I am a hacker within the system,” says the former Wikileaks collaborator.
Germany's Euroskeptic "Alternative Party" Leads Fringe Heading into Sunday Elections
Alternative for Deutschland's success stems from its leaders exploiting Euroskepticism among Germans who feel their wealthy, productive country is unfairly shouldering the burden of economic growth in the E.U.
How Net Parties Are Changing the Rules of Politics
The emergence of Partido X (Spain), Partido de la Red (Argentina), Red Sustentável (Brasil) and Wikipartido (Mexico) suggests a new era in politics, where Net parties incorporate open, horizontal processes like today's social movements.
Fighting the Surveillance State: An Interview with Iceland's Birgitta Jonsdottir
Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden represent just the tip of the iceberg of a popular resistance that is challenging the U.S. government’s excesses in surveillance, says the Icelandic MP.
From Italy to Iceland, the Promise of Digital Direct Democracy
Movement power — and parliamentary political power — is building across Europe as people harness online organizing tools.