It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
After Rahm's Destruction, Can Chicago Create a Cooperative Economy?
Chicago mayoral candidate Amara Enyia promises to not only facilitate cooperative economics but also to begin the process of creating a public bank for the city “on day one” of her administration.
Can California Utilities Burn Down the State and Make the Public Pay For It?
Oil companies heat and dry up the planet, power companies start fires on the dried up land – and we pay the bills.
Capitalism v. Freedom, Part II
Concentrated corporate power must be dismantled and democracy substituted for it – a global project that will take generations but is likely to develop momentum as society experiences ever-greater crises.
Capitalism vs. Freedom, Part I
The spectacle of millions adhering to such a breathtakingly stupid ideology as libertarianism would be comical if it weren’t so tragic.
A Powerful Economic Justice Movement Is Brewing, Even in This Dark Time
Today’s dire threats to our democracy did not arise out of nowhere.
Disaster Capitalism in Action as Puerto Rico Governor Announces Plan to Privatize Power Utility
"Whether it's water or energy, privatization helps Wall Street at the expense of the wellbeing and health of communities."
How Privatization Cuts Us In Two, While Public Institutions Make Us A Better People
We’ve become a nation of profit-makers versus the struggling middle/lower classes. Yet while most people looking to make big money disparage public systems as inefficient, wasteful and inferior, privatization is not the solution – it is the problem.
European Cities Are Reclaiming Public Services From the Private Sector
The U.S. has a lot to learn from people-powered movements.
Our Best Shot at Meeting Paris Goals? Make Energy Public
A new report finds public ownership is the best way for cities and towns to meet renewable energy and efficiency targets.
The Time For A New Economics Is At Hand
Just as Occupy Wall Street aimed at exposing the failures of the financial industry, the kick-it-over campaign aims to expose the failures of the economics profession.