It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Québec student movement
The World Is Still Up For Grabs: A Manifesto For the Year Ahead
Revolution is a Rhizome. We now have a confidence in this generation that we didn’t have before.
Direct Democracy in Montréal: What We Can Learn From the Maple Spring
Last year's Maple Spring raised hopes for the mobilization and victory potential of social movements. In hindsight, we can draw some conclusions about the legacy of that uprising — and how it relates to the Occupy movement that preceded it.
You Are Not a Loan: Strike Debt and the Challenge of the Rolling Jubilee
We purchase the debt like a debt buyer, but instead of trying to collect on it we abolish it.
Nonviolent Resistance Works
Teachers in Chicago, Verizon workers, and students in Quebec recently proved that not only are strikes and general resistance and dissent essential to any democracy, they also work.
Vancouver Casseroles Gone Wild
While the Toronto Casseroles parade is fading, Vancouver's is only getting started.
Biased? Damn Right I Am
I would like to address the most common complaint about my writing about the Québec student movement: namely, that it is “biased.” My simple response to this is: You’re god damned right it is!