It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Quantitative Easing
How to Fund a Universal Basic Income Without Increasing Taxes or Inflation
A new economic study found that a UBI of $1,000/month to all adults would add $2.5 trillion to the U.S. economy in eight years.
Brexit and the Derivatives Time Bomb: Will "Italeave" Be Next?
The Brexit could trigger a $500 trillion derivatives meltdown by forcing the E.U. to allow insolvent member governments and banks to write down debt.
The Citadel Is Breached: Congress Taps the Fed for Infrastructure Funding
The portal to the Federal Reserve's stream of riches has been forced open, if just a crack – the trickle could one day become a flow, a mighty river of liquidity powering the engines of productivity of a vibrant economy.
Another Money Is Possible, Part II: Avoid the Next Financial Crash with People's Q.E.
People’s Quantitative Easing could transform the economy to serve society, it could prevent the next global financial crash – or, in the aftermath, it could provide an economic escape route for societies worldwide.
US Dollar Dominance and the Coming Crisis In Emerging Markets
The Fed's quantitative easing program channeled trillions of dollars out of advanced and into emerging market economies – laying the groundwork for an even bigger, meaner financial crisis that will extend across all economies, great and small.
Fed Up with the Fed: Stiglitz Says Reserve Must Worry About Inequality, Not Inflation
The argument for raising interest rates focuses not on the wellbeing of workers, but that of the financiers.
Here's How You Turn America's Low Deficit Into An Infrastructure Boom
Liberals are celebrating the news that the federal deficit is $59 billion lower this year than last year and defending Obama's record in the process – but making an argument for decreased public investment is doing conservatives’ work for them.
The Road to Serfdom: How Austerity and Bail-ins Will Pummel the 99%
The 2008 financial crisis left political and economic elites with two major problems: how to pay for the bank bailouts in the short term and how to prepare for the next financial collapse.
Even the Council on Foreign Relations Says It's Time to Rain Money on Main Street
When an article appears in Foreign Affairs recommending that the Federal Reserve do a money drop directly on the 99%, you know the central bank must be down to its last bullet.
Ahead of the Looming Foreclosure Crisis, Local Governments Are Stepping In
The glut of underwater mortgages needs to be written down to match underlying assets, not just to help homeowners but to revive the economy.