It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
right to know
New Documents Show Monsanto Execs Colluding With Corrupt EPA Officials to Manipulate Scientific Data
A new trove of company records released Tuesday provide fresh fuel for a heated debate over whether the agricultural chemical giant suppressed information about the potential dangers of its Roundup herbicide, and relied on regulators for help.
Fate of Vermont's Historic GMO-Labeling Law in US Senate's Hands
Vermont's law requiring food manufacturers to clearly state whether a product is "produced with genetic engineering" went into effect Friday – and now a Senate bill could kill it.
Big Food Spent $50 Million This Year To Defeat GMO Labeling
A new report shows how much food and biotech companies increased their lobbying expenditures in 2015 – mainly to support the Deny Americans the Right to Know Act, which the House passed last month.
House of Reps Says States Can't Require GMO Labels On Food
While government officials and the food industry claim GMOs are safe, consumer advocates seeking transparency on labels argue that no one really knows the long-term impacts of genetically modified crops.
Study Reveals Dramatic Links Between GMO's and 22 Diseases
GMO profiteers have an unusual marketing strategy – while most companies brag about their product, the GMO industry spends hundreds of millions to hide their product.
1,000 Votes Give Maui Historic Victory Banning GMO Farming
Monsanto and Dow AgroSciences raised a historic $7.9 million to defeat the GMO ban – but the public voted by a slim margin to approve it in Hawaii's most expensive ever campaign.
On Ballots Next Tuesday, How Many States and Counties Will Say No to GMO's?
Do we or do we not as Americans have the right to know what we are eating? Here are initiatives from Hawaii to Colorado and from Humboldt to Josephine Counties to take back our food supply.
Monsanto, Dupont, Big Foods Spend $25 Million to Defeat GMO Labeling In Oregon and Colorado
Heavy industry spending resembles the last-minute infusions of cash for TV ads, mailings, and staff that helped narrowly defeat campaigns for mandatory GMO labeling in California and Washington.
Poll: Three-Quarters of U.S. Northwest Now Favors GMO Labeling Law
Despite propaganda from Big Ag, biotech and the Grocery Manufacturers Association, surveys show vast majority of residents in Washington, Oregon and Idaho want to know what's in their food.
The Kellogg Boycott: Voting With Our Dollars To Rid Cereals of GMO's
We speak collectively to force food manufacturers to come clean with the ingredients they use in their products - and if they won’t remove GMOs, we will boycott them until they do.