We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
Safe Drinking Water Act
Trump EPA Won't Limit 2 Toxic Chemicals In Drinking Water
The EPA's decision means that two toxic chemicals contaminating millions of Americans' tap water will remain unregulated under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Is Drinking Water in the U.S. Safe? Not By a Long Shot
That nasty tasting water from the faucet that you’ve been rejecting in favor of an unhealthy soda might actually have unsafe quantities of lead, nitrates, arsenic and disease-causing pathogens.
Top Drillers Shut Down U.S. Fracking Operations as Oil Prices Continue to Tank
Giants in the fracking business – from Chesapeake Energy and Continental Resources to Whiting Petroleum and Halliburton – closed down drilling operations nationwide, leaving thousands of oil job in the lurch.
Exposed: Britain's “Any Substance” Law Bars Landowners From Opposing Fracking
The nationwide proposal will make it legal for fracking companies to drill 300 meters beneath private land without requiring the permission of landowners.
Decision to Frack Britain's Parks Takes Industry Influence To New Extremes
Despite UK minsters asserting the alleged economic benefits of fracking, many in Britain question the government’s new plan that puts human health, safety and the country's natural beauty at stake.
88% of Congress On Gas Industry Payroll As Campaign Donations Hit Record Level
A new report shows politicians' campaign cash from the natural gas industry has soared 231% in states that frack, and more than doubled even in the states that don't. Fact: seven of eight U.S. Congress members are on the gas industry's payroll.
The oil and gas industry, along with stealth PR handlers, touted Britain's fracking future at last week's U.K. Shale Gas Environmental Summit in London — taking a page from American industry's playbook by sowing scientific doubt about the risks of fracking.
Fracking is Coming to California Unless the People Stop It
Fracking the 15 billion barrels of oil discovered in the Monterey Shale deposit will add 6.8 million tons of carbon pollution to the atmosphere — delaying California's landmark Global Warming Solutions Act by 80 years.