There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
sharing economy
Nathan Schneider's "Everything For Everyone" Brings Cooperative Revolution to Life
The most striking secret of emergent radical economic structures like worker ownership is that they aren’t radical at all, a subject Nathan Schneider's new ranging book explores.
Money without Exploitation: An Interview with Bay Bucks Founder Chong Kee Tan
The Bay Area currency operates a commercial barter system – where businesses with unused inventory or excess capacity "deposit" their excess into an exchange, and “withdraw” other businesses’ excess goods and services instead of money.
In the Era of the Hunger Artist, We're Crowdfunding Just to Survive
Welcome to nightmare capitalism, survival-by-popularity, the real Hunger Games: where we're forced to go online and crowdfund our way to rent payments, child support, illness recovery and more.
New Path, Next System: Juliet Schor on Inequality and the Climate Crisis
We’ve got to find a new path that allows us to solve both climate and economic deprivation at the same time – and we can only do that with a whole different kind of system.
Post-Capitalist Solutions: How Worker-Owned Tech Co-ops Are Boosting the Solidarity Economy
Worker ownership is about alienation versus empowerment. For human beings to be able to be their full selves, they need to have a say in their own affairs.
Blueprint For Sharing as Source Of Global Economic Change
Sharing wealth, power and resources is central to the formation of a growing movement of global citizens for a healthy planet – and here's how we're doing it.
Owning is the New Sharing
People are tired of seeing their communities treated like commodities, and they're looking for ways to build platforms of their own.
Radical New Economic System Will Emerge from Collapse of Capitalism
We are seeing the final triumph of capitalism followed by its exit from the world stage amid the ascendence of the collaborative commons.
#MapJam In October Puts New Economy on the Global Map
The Sharing Cities Network will bring activists together around the world this month to connect the dots and map grassroots sharing projects, cooperatives, community resources and the commons.
Activists Unveil Plan to Turn Los Angeles into Sharing Mecca with Time Banks
The Arroyo Sustainable Economies Organization has release a bold blueprint to turn notoriously unequal and sprawling Los Angeles into a community-oriented, resource-sharing city for all.