It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Medical Injustice: Trans-Pacific Partnership Enriches Big Pharma at Cost Of People’s Health
Through "evergreening,” pharmaceutical companies could could retain ownership of and royalties to drugs for which their patents have expired – limiting access to generic forms of medicine that millions need.
In Battle for the Internet, Activists Are Defeating Big Cable
The Federal Communications Commission is verging on reclassifying the Internet as a common carrier – to be regulated like water and electricity – despite strong opposition from the telecom industry and their Republicans in office.
Million Mask March On November 5 Calls for Free Internet, End to Surveillance
The Internet is one of the last free vessels we the citizens have access to. We've stood against SOPA, PIPA, CISPA, ACTA and the TPP – and we'll continue to stand as one against Internet censorship.
Netflix, Reddit, Kickstarter Join Sept. 10 Internet Slowdown for Net Neutrality
On Wednesday, top U.S. startups along with Internet activist organizations will add widgets to their sites that display the dreaded "loading" wheel one might see when trying to watch a video over a slow connection.
Anonymous Threatens #OpCisa Disruption If Lawmakers Pursue Cybersecurity Bill
Like the civil liberties-thwarting CISPA bill, the new Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act would allow the federal government to share information perceived as “cyber threats” with private companies.
Abrupt Shift Coming: Warnings Along FCC’s Fast Lane
Message to Government from tech companies Amazon, eBay, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo et al: You are about to break the Internet and you will be deeply sorry if you do.
The Day We Fight Back: 2/11/14 Worldwide Protests to End Mass Surveillance
We aren’t going to let the NSA and its allies ruin the Internet. On February 11 the world demands an end to mass surveillance in every country by every state.
Video: Are Computer Laws Too Tough On "Hacktivists"?
“So you get 25 years in prison for forcibly entering your way into a computer, but one year in prison for forcibly entering your way into a female?” said Deric Lostutter, who exposed the rape of a girl in Steubenville, Ohio, and is now facing criminal charges.
"Bagful of Cash" Exposes Chamber of Commerce As Supreme Corporate Lobby
A new report shows how the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has invested millions of corporate dollars into opposing all legislation relating to healthcare, financial reform, closing corporate tax loopholes, and addressing climate change.
Internet Advocates: Trans-Pacific Partnership Is Biggest Threat Yet to Open Web
The TPP poses what many consider to be the biggest threat to global internet freedom in years.