President-elect Donald Trump isn’t just appointing incompetent buffoons to his Cabinet, but deeply immoral individuals who are completely lacking in family values.
spoken word
Act Out! [57] - Cradles & Climate Crisis, the Drug War’s Sidekick and Dissent While Cozy
This week, the climate crisis is a reproductive crisis.
Act Out! [56] - Activism Spring, a Tiny Way to Help the Homeless, and Artists Capture Crooks
This week, from marches to sit-ins to teach-ins and rallies, activism is in full swing.
Act Out! [55] - The High Crime of Ecocide, No New Leases & Shut Down Creech
This week we're standing strong on the front lines – talking no new leases in New Orleans, no new permits in Oregon, shutting down a drone air force base and playing whack-a-mole with Monsanto.
Act Out! [54] - Activist Reflections, Disarm Saudi Arabia & AIPAC, and Life in the Waste-Stream
This week, spring is in the air and so is a renewed call for justice, peace and freedom. But before we get to the front lines, let's take a look at what it means to be an activist and what makes a social movement successful.
Act Out! [53] - Pave the Grand Canyon, Monsanto's clean slate & Activists In City Hall
Monsanto is poisoning people, but that's nothing new. And after four decades, one measly clause in a house bill could wipe their legal slate clean. Next, Daniel Lee has occupied the streets, and now he's fighting for a city council seat.
Act Out! [52] - Chris Hedges, Jill Stein, Peter Joseph, Shamell Bell & more Acting Out!
This week it’s our anniversary, and we’re celebrating with a look back and an inspiring look forward: We’re raising our firsts, our voices, and indeed, a glass in the name of creative activism and the continued fight for freedom and justice.
Act Out! [51] - How to lose a plutocracy in 60 days, March madness on the front lines
This week, grab your calendars and let's head to the front lines where we're talking everything from women's rights to Saudi ties to spring break.
Act Out! [50] - Brains Not Vaginas, Questioning with Plastic Jesus, and Be Mine’s Not Pipelines
This week, get online to get the scoop on worldwide actions happening offline.
Act Out! [49] - Love & Fight on the Front lines, Military Buys, Take Aim and Fire
This week, I'll tell you what I'm NOT covering.
Act Out! [47] - Digging deep into the methane leak, show up against TPP & feel-good stories
This week – Tyson Slocum, director of Public Citizen's energy program is gonna give you all the nasty details on the methane leak in California – the backstory, present putrid mess and what's next.