It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
Stephen Harper
Environmentalists and Indigenous People Flex New Muscle In Canada's Resource Wars
A major obstacle facing new oil transport projects is the strong resistance from Canada’s indigenous First Nations, who own or claim much of the land that the proposed pipelines would cross.
Canada Lurches Left As Justin Trudeau Victory Ends Neo-Conservative Era
Like the surge of Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary in the U.S. and the nomination of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader in the U.K., Canada’s election of a Liberal government under Justin Trudeau signals a sea change.
What Alberta's shocking election results could mean for the oil sands
As Alberta overthrows its oil-rich conservatives, the world is waiting to see what it will mean for the infamous Oil Sands.
Fear Incorporated: Canada’s Anti-Terror Bill and the Emergence of a Deep Police State
Bill C-51 represents a clear erosion of constitutional rights – if the bill becomes law, blocking a pipeline or organizing a protest without permission from authorities would be considered terrorism.
Global Power Project: Is the Bilderberg Group Picking Our Politicians?
Attending Bilderberg is not a guarantee for holding high office – but it can often support a rapid rise to state power for politicians who impress the members and guests at the annual meetings.
Why's American-Style Health Care Being Pushed In Canada? Ask the Koch Brothers
A right-wing Canadian outfit funded by the Kochs wants to privatize the Canadian health care system – and Prime Minister Stephen Harper is now steering policy that way.
No More Red Scares: Fighting Fair Against Keystone XL and Fossil Fuel Expansion
Tom Steyer and NextGen Climate’s anti-Keystone pipeline ad made Americans sit up.
Why the Keystone XL Pipeline Is Just the Latest Abuse of Corporate Power
Solar panel prices and wind turbine prices are down, and electric vehicle battery prices have dropped. So why do we need to develop the Tar Sands?
Global Power Project, Part 10: TransCanada Corporation, Kings of the Keystone Pipeline
The government of Canada has, for years, been writing laws and implementing major policies at the direct suggestion of the oil industry — most recently TransCanada, which is seeking a green light to complete the Keystone XL.
NASA's James Hansen Takes the Case Against Tar Sands to Britain
Hansen accused the Canadian government of "holding a club" over the U.K. and European nations to accept its "dirty" oil, while a new study confirmed that 97% of climate reports attribute climate change to human actions.