It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
subprime lending
Occupy Auto Loans: Delinquencies On the Rise Signal Shaky Foundations
The amount of subprime auto debt is far less than the amount of subprime home mortgage debt just before the 2008 recession – but the rising trend is nevertheless troubling economists.
National Call To Action In Detroit: Link Arms To Stop the Water Shutoffs
The aggressive foreclosures and water shut-offs are a deliberate scheme to shock the population, drive long-time residents out of the city center, seize property and gentrify downtown Detroit and the waterfront.
Armageddon On Wall Street: The Looming Mass Destruction from Derivatives
The shadow banking system is propped up by a hidden government guarantee known as safe harbor status, pushed through by Wall Street, which has created perverse incentives for the financial system to self-destruct.