It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Super PACs
Why Clinton and Bush Are Now In the Pockets Of Walmart, Chevron and Goldman Sachs
The two presidential candidates are amassing fortunes through fundraising bundlers that will leave them politically indebted to the most influential lobbyists in Washington.
Unlike Corporations and Millionaires, Unions Disclose Midterms Dark Money
Not all dark money is the same – meaning the imbalance of disclosure requirements give corporations and wealthy individuals greater secrecy in elections than organized labor.
The Rolling Rebellion: People Declare Independence from Corporate Rule
Between July 5 and July 12, the Backbone Campaign, along with a nationwide coalition of groups, launches a week of direct action fighting nothing less than a non-violent, second American Revolution.
Calling MayDay on Democracy, Super PAC Powered By Citizens Vows to #GetMoneyOut
Our democracy is held hostage by the funders of campaigns.
Cecily McMillan Verdict Proves Dissent Is Dangerous – And More Important Than Ever
Nonviolent protest and exposure are two vital tools at our disposal – now it’s time to wake from our dream and resist.
Constitutional Amendment to Reign In Dark Money May Hit Senate Floor
The Senate could soon consider a Constitutional amendment giving Congress and states the power to regulate political contributions.
United Republic Poll: 72% of Americans Want Anti-Corruption Laws and Money Out of Politics
A new poll concludes more than 60 percent of Americans would strongly support a federal law that imposes tough, new campaign finance laws for politicians, lobbyists and super PACs.
Money In Politics: Democratic Super PACs Are Crushing Conservatives in 2013
Liberal-aligned super PACs raised more than $40 million in the first half of 2013 — double the amount raised by conservative super PACs.
Billionaires Unchained: The New Pay-As-You-Go Landscape of American “Democracy”
There is no limit to the amount of money billionaires can give to influence the political discussion in this country.