It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
surveillance state
NSA: The Decision Problem
The ultimate goal of signals intelligence and analysis is to learn not only what is being said, and what is being done, but what is being thought.
Snowden Leaks Give New Life to Lawsuits Challenging N.S.A. Surveillance Programs
Cracks are appearing in a legal wall that since 9/11 has shielded the U.S. government's claim of constitutional authority from open-court review, as five lawsuits filed since the Snowden affair allege violations by the NSA surveillance program.
Hedges: Locking Out the Voices of Dissent
The goal of the corporate state is to criminalize democratic, popular dissent before there is another popular eruption.
Denouncing NSA Surveillance Isn’t Enough — We Need the Power to Stop It
At the core of the surveillance state is the hollowness of its democratic pretenses. Only with authentic democracy can we save ourselves from devastating evisceration of the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments.
The Insider Threat Program: Obama's Crackdown on Leaks That "Aid the Enemy"
Even before Edward Snowden exposed the secret collection of Americans’ phone records, the Obama administration was pressing a new and unprecedented government-wide crackdown on security threats.
10 Ways America Is Stepping Into a Police State
In the past decade the United States has moved toward a police state in small but key ways.
Fighting the Surveillance State: An Interview with Iceland's Birgitta Jonsdottir
Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden represent just the tip of the iceberg of a popular resistance that is challenging the U.S. government’s excesses in surveillance, says the Icelandic MP.
Constitutional Uprising: Thousands Join "Restore the Fourth" Protests on July 4th
Thousands will be gathering in dozens of cities on the 4th of July, as "Restore the Fourth" protests demand an end to unconstitutional governmental surveillance programs that violate the 4th Amendment.
Revealed - "Sock Puppet" Software Allows U.S. Military to Creat Fake Online Identities
The U.S. military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social media sites by using fake online personas to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda.
From Philippines to NSA: 111 Years of the U.S. Surveillance State
Over the past century — from America's war in the Philippines in 1902, to the National Security Act of 1947, to the NSA's spying program in 2013 — we can see a disturbing continuum.