This last month has shown America that society will gladly tolerate vigilante violence, provided a vigilante chooses the right target.
Sustainable Economies Law Center
This California Bill Would Make Is Easier To Invest in Local Farms, Energy and Business
The California Local Economies Securities Act aims to make it possible for small farms, agricultural land trusts, coops, nonprofits with business income, and renewable energy systems to raise capital without going through a costly permitting process.
Owning is the New Sharing
People are tired of seeing their communities treated like commodities, and they're looking for ways to build platforms of their own.
U.S. Seed Libraries Mobilize to Protect Right to Share
Despite an arguably incorrect interpretation of Pennsylvania law, states are now considering adopting its seed library protocol – threatening to kill a fast growing seed library movement.
16 Worker Cooperatives Redefining What Labor and Community Mean
The worker cooperative movement has hit a new stride, including tech companies, coworking spaces, international businesses, large factories and much more.
From Incubation to Equity, Worker Cooperatives Growing Stronger in U.S.
Some 30,000 cooperatives now operate within the U.S., employing over 2 million people and paying out an estimated $75 billion annually in wages.