It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Syriza party
Oil Drilling In Greece? This Is What the High Cost of Debt Payments Looks Like
The Greek Parliament has voted on a concession to begin exploratory oil drilling in the country in early 2020 as part of a larger effort to offset the country’s debt.
Greece's Painful Decade: Out of the Bailout, But Not Out of the Woods
Poverty, privatizations, debt – in Greece, which just officially "ended" its bailout program, the silent majority can't let go their fear that this might just be the prelude to something worse yet to come.
New Strikes In Athens Expose Syriza Government's Efforts to Stifle Resistance
The latest proposed austerity "reform," curtailing the ability of unions to strike, appears to have finally turned the broader Greek left against Syriza – a party once lauded for bringing the left back to the forefront of Greek politics.
Analyzing the Failures of Syriza
So many put their puts hopes into Syriza; so many were bitterly disappointed.
Train Wreck In Slow Motion: Here's What Really Happened To Greece's Healthcare System
Due to imposed austerity cuts, 850 medical clinics have closed, 10,000 beds have been shut down and 30,000 healthcare professionals were removed from frontline positions – while those who remained saw wages cut by 50 percent.
It's Direr Than You Think In Greece, Where Home Repossessions Are Exploding
As of this month, more than 120,000 Greek homes stand to be repossessed as tenants and owners find themselves unable to shoulder a taxation burden that far exceeds their 10,000 euro total annual income.
Greece At Ground Zero: Sharp Tax Hikes and Wage Cuts Fuel New Sense of Desperation
One year after Syriza took over the reins of government, four in 10 Greeks find themselves struggling to pay their mortgage, rent or bills.
Greece's Varoufakis Leads New Democracy Movement "That Starts Everywhere In Europe At Once"
Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis last week announced the launch of a pan-European progressive movement, Diem25, to "democratize" the continent and promote alternatives to austerity and authoritarianism.
The Populist Revolution: Bernie and Beyond
From the Syriza Party in Greece and the Podemos Party in Spain, to the rise of Jeremy Corbyn, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, contenders with their fingers on the popular pulse are surging ahead of their establishment rivals.
Chronicles of a Defeat Foretold, Part IV: Syriza's Greek Crash Landing
The ordeal of the Greek left has demonstrated the limits of the state-centric approach to social change – and the dream of a return to a fair and inclusive capitalism lies in tatters.