It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Too Big To Fail
An Invitation to Crisis: Loosening the Volcker Rule, Regulators Court Disaster
This is how financial crises begin – with subtle, incremental regulatory changes that few notice when they occur but which can have calamitous consequences when taken to their logical extreme.
Where Credit Is Due: The Community Reinvestment Act is Still Necessary
In recent decades, the CRA helped bring $2 trillion in small-business and community-development bank loans to underserved areas. Why is the Trump administration trying to shred it?
Crimes Were Committed—Before, during and after the crisis, Financial Felonies abounded
Here's Why No One Went to Jail After the 2008 Financial Crisis. To many people, this is the single most frustrating post-crisis question.
To Stop the Next Financial Crisis, We Need Public Ownership of Banks—Now
When the next crisis hits, the public will once again be called upon to step in and bail out Wall Street. We need to start seriously preparing an alternative response: public banks.
The Crisis Next Time: Public Ownership As an Alternative to Corporate Bank Bailouts
The FIRE sector (finance, insurance and real estate) in the current corporate capitalist economy is dysfunctional and downright dangerous to the welfare of society. It's time for public ownership.
Why Killing Dodd-Frank Could Lead to the Next Crash
Eliminating the bill was a top priority for Trump. So why did any Dems vote for it?
Here We Go Again: Ignoring History, Congress Moves to Loosen the Reins on Wall Street
The great trick of Wall Street and its apologists is convincing the people it burned last time they were let off the leash that this time they’ll behave better, swear to God.
Proposed "Accountability Act" Gives Power to Fed to Shut Down Megabanks
Wells Fargo "definitely qualifies" to be shut down, said Maxine Waters (D-CA), who introduced the Megabank Accountability and Consequences Act last week.
You Can’t Be Serious: Debunking The Dangerous Arguments Against Dodd-Frank
Dodd-Frank, however imperfect, isn’t just about protecting average folks from reckless, predatory finance. It’s also about protecting Big Finance from itself.
The Economics of Climate Change, Part III: Crash or Transformation?
Moving society away from carbon dependence is not just about becoming good consumers, but engaged citizens.