We have to be smart in how we fight against Trump and the Republican Party this time around. That means picking our battles wisely, and not taking bait that’s dangled in front of our faces.
trade deals
Act Out! [50] - Brains Not Vaginas, Questioning with Plastic Jesus, and Be Mine’s Not Pipelines
This week, get online to get the scoop on worldwide actions happening offline.
Act Out! [44] - Corporate Fashion, Get Offline, No GMO, & Adapt Amart
This week on the front lines, the U.S. Trade Rep's office wants your opinion on something, lawmakers in California might be up for a makeover, and activists uncover the food industry's push to serve up a buffet table of low-life scum.
Act Out! [39] - Fall Rising, Democracy Spring, Stuart Schuffman, and Don't Buy Shit
This week we're flushing the TPP, joining the fight against money in politics, and opting out of Black Friday.