Over the next two years, Democrats have the unfettered ability to be an albatross around the neck of the GOP — and to make sure that what little they manage to get done due to their paper-thin majorities becomes the reason for their undoing.
Trans-Pacific Partnership
Will Hawaii’s Big Island Ban GMO Farming?
The Big Island of Hawaii County Council will consider a bill that would prohibit open-air growing of genetically modified organisms and end biotech experiments on the island.
TPP Protesters Scale U.S. Trade Rep HQ
Eight "construction workers" in blue coveralls and yellow hard hats made their way up an unsecured scaffolding in D.C. to unfurl a huge banner condemning the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Protesters Lock Down in D.C. Demanding Transparency for Trans-Pacific Partnership
Protesters concerned about the looming Trans-Pacific Partnership covered the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative with banners calling for a democratic process and a release of the treaty’s text.
Building the Commons as an Antidote to the Predatory Market Economy
We've reached a tipping point in awareness of the effects of the current global economy that has erupted in a worldwide revolt as we can see in the Occupy, Arab Spring, Idle No More and Indignado movements.
Tea Party, Rightwing Enter Battle to Oppose Trans-Pacific Partnership
Arch-conservatives have joined House Democrats opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, claiming it violates Congress's constitutional rights.
Time to Decide: Are We Ready for Economic Democracy?
We are in a time of transition, an era that will define the next economy. We can either privatize government services and public resources to keep wealth concentrated at the top, or we can turn the corner toward an economy that benefits all.
Trash the TPP: Why It's Time to Revolt Against the Worst "Trade Agreement" in History
The Trans-Pacific Partnership will make transnational corporations more powerful than government, which is why negotiations are being done entirely in secret, and why we must educate ourselves now to stop it.
Blocking "Fast Track" to Halt the Trans-Pacific Partnership
We must stop Congress from passing “Fast Track” legislation authorizing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would give multinational corporations unprecedented legal jurisdictions over our lives.
Two Secret Trade Agreements Threaten to Undo Our Last Shreds of Food Safety
You could soon be eating imported seafood, beef or chicken products that don’t meet even basic U.S. food safety standards.
Colonized by Corporations: When WTO Means "We're Taking Over"
After 237 years, we’re becoming a colony again.