It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
People Vs Big Oil, Part I: Washington Victory Over Shell Oil Trains Signals A Turning Tide
Until 2016, the oil industry had been able to play trains and pipelines off each other – now, both are under relentless attack by indigenous people, public interest groups, environmental activists and a growing public consciousness.
Germany's Vice Chancellor Gabriel: US-EU trade talks 'have failed'
Sigmar Gabriel, the Minister for Economic Affairs and head of the Social Democrats, said Sunday that after 14 rounds of talks, the U.S. and E.U. have yet to agree on even one chapter out of the 27 being discussed.
TransCanada's $15 Billion Suit Against U.S. Is Corporate Nationhood At Its Worst
When the NAFTA nations meet Wednesday for the annual Three Amigos Summit in Ottawa, climate change and clean energy goals may be overshadowed by TransCanada's use of NAFTA to sue the U.S. government over the Keystone pipeline.
Leaked TTIP Documents Cast Doubt on EU - US Trade Deal
Greenpeace says internal documents show the US is attempting to lower or circumvent EU protection for environment and public health.
T.T.I.P. Off: German Judges Issue Slap In the Face to Transatlantic Corporate Trade Deal
The German Magistrates Association (DRB) last week dealt a major blow to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, as judges said special courts allowing firms to sue countries were unnecessary and "had no legal basis."
TTIP Revolt: Why 250K Berliners Mobilized Against the Mega U.S.-EU Trade Deal
Fears in Europe about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership mirror Americans’ anxieties about the TPP – and there is vociferous opposition to the deal in Germany.
Hundreds Of Thousands Protest In Berlin Against EU-U.S. Trade Deal
Up to a quarter of a million people marched in the German capital Saturday to protest the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, which they say is openly anti-democratic.
In Alaska, Theatrics Of Obama's Climate Agenda Don't Measure Up To Promises – Or Reality
Despite his soaring rhetoric, the closer we get to the end of President Obama's presidency, the more obvious it is that a dangerous duality has ruled his policy circles – one favoring short-term interests over the very fate of the planet.
Corporate Tribunals Pose Biggest Hurdle To Europe's Vote On Transatlantic Trade Pact
So much public concern and controversy has been raised over investor-state dispute settlements that the E.U. suspended talks on the rules in order to open a public consultation.
U.S.-European Corporate Maneuvers: When Privacy Becomes A Barrier to Economic Growth
With all eyes focused on Greece, the European parliament has quietly passed a non-binding resolution on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, a damning corporate trade pact between Europe and the U.S.