This last month has shown America that society will gladly tolerate vigilante violence, provided a vigilante chooses the right target.
trayvon martin
The 1963 March on Washington, Then and Now
A critical assessment of this event 50 years later reveals historical lessons relevant to contemporary movements for social and economic justice.
Global Unrest Defines a Fearless Summer of Protest
The summer of 2013 has seen some of the largest, most vocal mass protests around the world since 2011, as people people exercised power through occupations, strikes and blockades from Frankfurt to Istanbul, and Rio to Sanford, Florida.
Thousands of Protesters Descend on ALEC Convention In Chicago
A coalition of labor, community and environmental groups is making it clear that the ultra-conservative American Legislative Exchange Council isn’t welcome in the union town.
The August 24 March on Washington: Why We Need a New Civil Rights and Labor Movement
Even with the greatest employment crisis since the 1930s and an unemployment rate for blacks that remains double that of whites, there is no talk of legislation for a federal jobs program to be paid for by taxing the rich.
Why Fruitvale Station Should Be Required Viewing For All Americans
Fruitvale Station, the latest entry in a growing list of movies that may help spark a civil rights movement in America, shows what the struggle of being black in modern America looks like.
The Business of Mass Incarceration
Poor people, especially those of color, are worth nothing to corporations and private contractors if they are on the street. In jails and prisons, however, they each can generate corporate revenues of $30,000 to $40,000 a year.
America's Legacy of Racism and the Death of Trayvon Martin
Decades of white retrenchment led up to the moment that a bullet pierced Trayvon Martin’s heart -- and no matter what the prosecution, the defense, the jury or the defenders of George Zimmerman may think, racism was pivotal in his killing.
Justice Denied: Is Trayvon Martin Post-Racial America's Emmett Till?
Today, we all know that Emmett Till’s 1955 murder and the denial of justice to him and his family was the product of racism. As Trayvon Martin’s killing illustrates, colorblindness hasn’t brought us closer to a place where color no longer matters.
Zimmerman's Acquittal and the Call for a New Civil Rights Movement
We must mobilize and organize to assert popular power independent of the courts and corporate political parties if we are to create a world where Trayvon, and the millions he has come to represent, can thrive without fear.
Koch Brothers Plan To Buy Eight Major Newspapers
Billionaire oil moguls and ultra-right climate denial propagandists Charles and David Koch intend to purchase a handful of major U.S. news outlets, including the Tribune company.