The grassroots opposition to President Donald Trump is hitting the streets everywhere.
Trump protests
Women Accusing Trump Demand Congress Investigate Sexual Misconduct Claims
Women who accused Trump of sexually inappropriate behavior say lawmakers should extend the same scrutiny to the president that they did to Al Franken.
The 11 Biggest Victories Against Trump by the Resistance
We are in the midst of a host of battles over the fate of the nation and the earth, and the outcome is in no small part up to us. We can win if we try.
A Simple Checklist Inspires a New Kind of Activism
A weekly newsletter created by a rookie Portland activist is moving people to action by prioritizing under-the-radar issues over big headline grabbers.
Photos: Extremists—from right and left—clash in Berkeley, again
Police made 20 arrests and reported at least eleven injured, with seven needing to go to the hospital, at Saturday’s so-called Patriots Day rally in downtown Berkeley.
The Progressive “Resistance” Took Down Trumpcare. Now What?
Without a clear agenda from Trump right now, many activists see this recess as a test of whether they can propel the momentum gained in the first few months of Trump’s presidency without an obvious rallying point.
"Stop Trump" Movement Calls For Biggest Demonstrations in UK History
A coalition of activists, trade unions and Members of Parliament have pledged to hold the “biggest demonstrations in UK history” when Donald Trump makes his state visit to Britain later this year.
General Strike Feb. 17: What Will Happen If Activists Stage a Nationwide Strike Against Trump?
"Let’s designate a day on which no one (that is, anyone who can do so without being fired) goes to work, a day when no one shops or spends money, a day on which we truly make our economic and political power felt."
Time to SwingLeft: Turning Activist Energy Into Electoral Power
Donald Trump's surprise win in November has sparked what liberal groups say is unprecedented activism, with droves now seeking to run for office.
One Week of Fear and Loathing: The World Reacts to Trump
“If he follows through – and people have to come to terms with the fact he may well do what he says he’s going to do – then it’s the end of the post-World War II, post-Cold War order and the beginning of a new phase."
1.5 Million Sign Petition to Cancel Trump's State Visit to the UK After Travel Ban
A petition to stop President Trump's planned visit to the U.K. has more than doubled in less than a day.