It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
World Trade Organization
World At A Crossroads: Stop The Fast Track To A Future Of Global Corporate Rule
Do we want corporate rule or the people’s rule?
Now Is Critical Moment To Kill Widely Unpopular Global Trade Agreements
The opposition is global and growing louder – which is why we're poised to halt attempts by corporations and governments to push through these mega-deals for multinationals.
Why U.S. Fracking Companies are Licking Their Lips Over Ukraine
From climate change to Crimea, the natural gas industry is supreme at exploiting crisis for private gain.
Could Crowd-Sourced Organic Seed Banks Save Our Agricultural Future?
Navdanya has become a network of seed keepers spread across 17 Indian states, providing crucial sanctuaries of biodiversity.
"We Will Not Obey:" Building Global Resistance To the Trans-Pacific Partnership
The development nationwide of "TPP-Free Zones" sends a clear message to Obama and Congress that communities will not allow a secretly negotiated trade deal by transnational corporations to undermine the ability of local governments to legislate.
Washingtonians Fight for GMO Labeling
This November, voters in Washington State will get to decide whether or not people should have the right to know if theie food contains GMOs.
Making the World Safe for Banksters: Syria in the Cross-Hairs
Syria provides free education, free medical care and subsidized housing for everyone. But even more threateningly to Wall Street-style finance, it has state-owned central banks that issue national currency and are under government control.
Building the Commons as an Antidote to the Predatory Market Economy
We've reached a tipping point in awareness of the effects of the current global economy that has erupted in a worldwide revolt as we can see in the Occupy, Arab Spring, Idle No More and Indignado movements.
Trash the TPP: Why It's Time to Revolt Against the Worst "Trade Agreement" in History
The Trans-Pacific Partnership will make transnational corporations more powerful than government, which is why negotiations are being done entirely in secret, and why we must educate ourselves now to stop it.
Why the TransPacific Partnership is a Scary Big (So-Called Trade) Deal
Like a supersized NAFTA, the TPP gives foreign corporations privileges that can override domestic laws on environmental health and citizens’ rights. Here’s why we shouldn’t let it pass without a fight.