The grassroots opposition to President Donald Trump is hitting the streets everywhere.
Police State
Justice Department Withholds FISA Court Orders on NSA's Bulk Collection of Data
The decision to keep some of the records secret, in the thick of Edward Snowden’s revelations, has raised suspicions within the ACLU that the government continues to hide bulk surveillance activities from the U.S. public.
How 15-Year-Old Travion Blount Got 6 Life Sentences for a Crime In Which No One Was Hurt
The Virginia judge issued one of the harshest sentences ever handed down to a juvenile in the U.S. for a non-homicide-related offense. What if Blount had been white and wealthy?
Everything You Need to Know About Obama’s NSA Reforms, In Plain English
A primer on the proposed reforms, which many say don't go far enough.
Web of Resistance: How the End of Net Neutrality Marks the Next Battle for the 99%
Net neutrality is essential for the exercise of free speech online. If access to the open Internet isn't guaranteed, freedom of speech can't be guaranteed, either.
Tear Gas and Smoke Bombs Cloud Kiev As Violent Ukraine Protests Continue
The mainly peaceful protests that have paralyzed the city for two months erupted spectacularly into violence on Sunday evening, with pitched battles between riot police and protesters.
How NYPD's Use Of Civil Forfeiture Is Robbing Poor New Yorkers
Twice ruled unconstitutional, the civil forfeiture process has long been used by the NYPD to seize money from those least likely to be able to get it back.
NSA Carves Pathway Into International Computers
The agency has used a covert channel of radio waves to reach computers that adversaries have tried to make impervious to spying or cyberattack.
Why the Washington Post’s New Ties to the CIA Are So Ominous
The Post is supposed to expose CIA secrets. But Amazon – owned by Jeff Bezos, who is also the new owner of the Post – is under contract to keep them due to its new $600 million “cloud” computing deal with the CIA.
Jason Kirkpatrick Film "Spied Upon" Digs Into World of FBI Informants
The information exposed through FBI spy informant Mark Kennedy allowed us to see more clearly the links between private corporations and security firms.
Marking the 12th Anniversary of America's Guantánamo Prison Disgrace
Though it's been over a decade since 9/11, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, whose trial has not yet started, is being tried in a military commission system that has produced eight convictions out of the nearly 800 men in Gitmo.