It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
75% of Journalists Turned Away From Covering Manning Trial
The courtroom and media center for the Bradley Manning trial were the sites of a virtual state of siege this week, as the Army press corps denied credentials to the media that would have vastly increased coverage.
Bradley Manning Is Guilty of “Aiding the Enemy” — If the Enemy Is Democracy
When the deceptive operation of the warfare state can’t stand the light of day, truth-tellers are a constant hazard. And culpability must stay turned on its head.
The New State Agitprop Film About Wikileaks
The film does a grave disservice to whistleblowers Julian Assange and Bradley Manning.
A Baby Born in Parts of Ohio is More Likely to Die than One Born in North Korea or the Gaza Strip
Infant mortality rates higher than those of countries like Japan or Sweden are one thing— but North Korea? The Gaza Strip?
"Our Forests Aren’t Fuel": A Campaign to Stop Burning America's Southern Woods
Forests in the American South are being logged and burned to generate electricity, and the region is now the largest exporter of wood pellets in the world.
Quantitative Crisis: Bernanke's "Stimulus" For the 1%
The Fed's stimulus policies, expressed in the form of Quantitative Easing, amount to one of the most expensive forms of corporate welfare in history.
Visa and Mastercard Ask Federal Court to Legalize Transaction Fees
The credit card giants have sued retailers who rejected a multibillion-dollar settlement over transaction fees.
Gas Industry Successfully Overturns Colorado Fracking Ban
The Fort Collins city council, buckling under the threat of a lawsuit by the oil and gas industry, decided last week to overturn a ban on hydraulic fracturing that had been in place for only a few months.
Obama's Plan to Privatize the Tennessee Valley Authority
The TVA has provided public energy service for roughly eight decades, and its prices are lower than those of many private corporations. In other words, it's a "socialist" institution that is immensely popular.
How Billionaire David Koch Censors PBS
PBS is free to create content that educates, informs and inspires — so long as it does not offend the plutocrats who keep it alive.