It is not hyperbole to say that the world’s richest man has now illegally seized control of America’s checkbook and the entire federal workforce.
The Golden Rule Of State Violence
One of the cardinal principles of Western elites is that "we" are, by definition, "the good guys" and anyone "we" attack are "the bad guys." The liberal media has its role to play in shoring up public confidence in a discredited, unjust system.
May Day: Income Disparity Grows As Corporations Spend Millions To Cover It Up
Corporations have spent more than $1 billion lobbying against the Dodd-Frank Act. Three years later, the Act has yet to be enforced — and lobbyists are still winning.
Golden Dawn Food Rally for "Greeks Only" Raises Tensions in Athens
A Hamas-style distribution campaign of food and clothes for the needy has topped the fascist party's outreach program – and increasingly added to its appeal.
Fracking is Coming to California Unless the People Stop It
Fracking the 15 billion barrels of oil discovered in the Monterey Shale deposit will add 6.8 million tons of carbon pollution to the atmosphere — delaying California's landmark Global Warming Solutions Act by 80 years.
Noam Chomsky: Smoke and Mirrors, or Civil Liberties Under President Obama
Obama's attack on civil liberties go well beyond anything I would have anticipated, and they don't seem easy to explain. He doesn't gain anything from it – he doesn't get any political mileage out of it.
Obama's Secret “Free Trade” Deals Will Enrich Multinationals and Big Finance
Obama's two proposed mega-trade deals — the Trans-Pacific Partnership and US-European Union “Free Trade” Agreement — favor major corporations by weakening regulations and strengthening intellectual property laws.
Big Pharma is Making Billions at the Expense of Our Health
Pharmaceutical giants are recycling old and discredited drugs while marketing diseases to sell the few new ones.
Renewable Energy—a Jobs Producer—Wins Vote in North Carolina
The Tarheel State's economy lost more than 100,000 jobs from 2007 to 2012, but clean energy development led to a net gain in employment of 21,162 "job years"—a factor that helped legislators defeat ALEC and House Bill 298.
Exposed: How Murdoch, Bill Gates and Big Corporations are Data Mining our Schools
The state is using its monopoly on education to benefit certain corporations—and students' personal information will be stored by News Corp.
Greenpeace Launches Whistleblower Site for Oil Workers
The group launched The Arctic Truth to attract whistleblowers from oil companies to reveal risks associated with drilling for oil and gas in the Arctic.